That's my painting, Berkshire Barns, at the bottom front. The acrylic with the blue sky next to it won second place. First prize went to the large canvas of the field just beyond, made of—not kidding—acrylic and dirt.
I was reading the Lakeville Journal, the local paper for northwest Connecticut, a few weeks ago and saw an article about an art show to benefit a private school in Lakeville, the Indian Mountain School. This show had been an invitation-only show in past years but now was going "open." The theme was farms. Sending in a submission was easy—no fee, send a jpeg by email. I had an appropriate painting, so I entered it.
And much to my surprise, it was accepted into the show—one of 24 accepted out of 64.
The show opening was February 4. Though I didn't win a prize (and they were handsome money prizes), it was great to have been chosen. The party was well attended and well appointed. And it's probably an audience I don't reach that much with my shows in Massachusetts and New York.
The show is up till March 2.